April 18-20, 2024, Bucharest, ROMANIA


ROTRIB’24 is the 15th in a series of international scientific events on TRIBOLOGY organised in Romania, initiated in 1978. The general objective of this conference is to contribute and demonstrate fundamentals, applications, and experiences in the field of Tribology.

The conference will provide an interdisciplinary forum for discussion, networking and initiating collaborations among specialists, about materials and Tribology and their applications to product design and reliability.

Tribology needs to reconfigure its directions of evolution to meet the latest developments in science and technology, and we hope that ROTRIB'24 will be an excellent opportunity to accomplish this.

The conference will take place in physical format in Bucharest at Conference Center of the National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest (formerly: University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest), between April 18-20, 2024. 

Organizers: Romanian Tribology Association and National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA in Bucharest.


NEWS! (April 13)

The Conference Book can be found here.


NEWS! (April 07)

The final program can be found here.


NEWS! (March 06)

 Early bird period is extended until March 22, 2024


NEWS! (January 18)

Registration for conference participants is now possible on the «REGISTRATION » section.

After a great number of requests from the authors, the deadline for the full paper upload was extended up to Friday February 2nd, 2024 .

Details on the full paper upload procedure is now available on the «GUIDE FOR AUTHORS » section.



The abstract review process has now been completed

We are thrilled to announce that we have received an important number of submissions. We would like to thank all the authors for their interest in ROTRIB'24.

Thanks to the work of our dedicated pool of abstract reviewers. The abstract review process has now been completed. 

Authors have now been notified of the decision on their abstract by email, and can also access the abstract submission platform to see the result. If you submitted an abstract but have not yet received this email, please check your spam folder, check the abstract submission platform, or notify us by writing to: rotrib24@sciencesconf.org.

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